Holistic hospitality, health & well-being

It is important to keep up with health and wellness trends, especially in the hospitality sector. Hospitality is a highly competitive industry, where industry trends can be highly volatile. Those working in the industry must remain aware of current health and wellness trends, if they are to stay competitive. 

The transition to a wellness-oriented lifestyle has become increasingly prevalent among travelers, in turn impacting expectations in the hospitality industry. In this new environment, hotel operators are striving to incorporate health and wellness amenities that provide convenience, comfort and value 

. Health and tourism destinations have now become prime facilitators for participating in and hosting wellbeing experiences in various forms and combinations with the aim of meeting the growing demand for wellbeing-specific getaways, including hotels, spas, active living and senior living facilities, health and tourism destinations have now become prime facilitators for participating in and hosting wellbeing experiences in various forms and combinations.

A hotel wellness program helps a hotel stand out amongst other hotels and gain a competitive advantage. A wellness program must be integrated into all aspects of your property, not just your gym. 

Where are some benefits of building a hotel wellness program? 

  • Improving guest satisfaction 

A hotel wellness program can improve guest satisfaction and help you retain your guests longer. It can also help a hotel stand out amongst other hotels and gain a competitive advantage. It is no longer just about having a gym, but incorporating wellness into all aspects of your property. 

  • Boosting revenue 

Approximately $563 billion will be generated by wellness tourism by 2020. A hotel wellness program can also boost hotel revenue through incremental F&B sales, spa services, and workout gear. 

  • Attracting new guests 

The millennial generation is willing to spend in order to live a healthy lifestyle. Offering wellness services at a hotel can help attract and retain these tourists. 

  • Enhancing employee retention 

Your employees can be more productive if you offer wellness programs. It can also help employees feel valued and connected to their employer, which can make them more productive. 

  • Improving brand recognition 

A hotel wellness program can create brand loyalty, which can improve brand recognition. When guests leave your hotel, they are more likely to recommend it to others. 

  • Building community relationships 

A wellness program can strengthen the relationship between a hotel and the local community. It can also increase the hotel’s visibility in the community. Wellness programs can help boost employee morale and motivate them to do better. When employees are happy, they are more likely to go above and beyond. 

A growing number of hotels are developing a comprehensive plan to improve health and wellness amenities for their guests. In order to retain and attract guests, hotels have placed greater emphasis on their fitness facilities and programs. 

  • Number of hotels offering wellness-oriented amenities such as in-room yoga mats and exercise balls that allow travelers to stay fit on the road.
  • Hotels are offering guests the ability to order on-demand workout videos, hotels are also offering guests free or discounted passes to use local fitness centers, and some have structured their fitness centers so guests can work out privately.
  • They are also increasingly offering healthy food options, such as organic breakfast cereals, gluten-free breads and vegan desserts. Offering guests healthy dining options on their room service menus,” he says. “They are ordering organic fruits and vegetables, and offering gluten-free choices.”

According to Room Key PMS it is expected that the wellness tourism market will grow by 17% by 2022. According to a recent survey, 60% of millennials say their health is the most important thing to them. As hotels make changes to their services and amenities to adapt to this changing landscape, it can be a big burden for them, but if they tackle this challenge, it will be a positive for hotels into the future.

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